Free Genealogy Lectures and Videos

I'm always looking for ways to expand my knowledge of genealogy. Whether it's information on methodology, tacking a particular research area or an interesting genealogical find, I love to hear about it. If I can get it for free, it's even better. So when I found out that the National Genealogical Society (NGS) has their own YouTube channel, I had to check it out.

The channel currently has 14 videos. These include discussions by genealogists on their research, researching at the National Archives, information on the NGS and its benefits to researchers, genealogy for youth, and becoming a genealogist.

While I was on YouTube, I decided to check out what else they had that might be helpful for those wanting to expand their knowledge of genealogy. A search of genealogy returns 5,190 results. These include everything from using specific tools in your research, researching at specific genealogy libraries and archives, ethnic research, DNA and more.

You can also search for names of specific genealogy lecturers such as DearMYRTLE, Bernie Gracy, Thomas MacEntee, Leland K Meitzler and more. If you've heard someone speak at a genealogy conference, chances are there is at least one video of them available on the site.

Having all these lectures and instructional videos in one place ranks YouTube a place in my research toolbox as a free genealogy resource.


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