Lost Cousins

Today's free genealogy resource is Lost Cousins. Unlike other genealogy websites, this one doesn't give you information. Instead, it connects you with other members of the site that share an ancestor with you.

To get started, register for free. Then, find your ancestors in one of the available censuses-England and Wales 1881, Scotland 1881, Canada 1881, US 1880, England and Wales 1841, Ireland 1911 or England and Wales 1911. Enter the details from the census transcription such as roll, page, name, etc. Choose the person's connection to you. If a direct ancestor, you will be asked to give the individual's ancestor number (found using the ancestor chart provided free by Lost Cousins).

If you have corrections to the census transcription, there is a place for these by clicking on the more button. You can even note if you have the birth, marriage or death certificate for the individual.  All added names can be found on the my ancestors page. Near the top of that page is a search button, which will search through all the names added by other members to see if one matches a name in your list.

Because the site is still in the early stages, you may not always find a match to one of your ancestors right away. However, as more people join, you should see more matches over time.

While much of the site is free, it does appear that there are some features which require subscription. Currently, the price is £10.00 per year, which is roughly $15-16 USD.


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