Hillsborough County, Florida Resource

Today's free genealogy resource is Hillsborough County Cemeteries. The Florida Genealogical Society has published an 8 volume set which includes around 90 of the cemeteries in the county, as well as a few outside of the county lines where county residents are interred. The website owner has expanded on this information, adding around 40 more cemeteries. Per the website, there are over 86,000 graves listed.

If you know the cemetery where your ancestor is buried, you can simply scroll down until you find the hyperlinked name in the list. It will take you to the cemetery page, which gives a picture of the cemetery and directions to it. If there are only a few burials at the cemetery, the names will be listed on the same page. For larger cemeteries, the cemetery page will give a link to the transcription.

The transcriptions give the name, date of birth and date of death. If yes is listed in the stone column, then there is a picture available of the headstone. Some entries offer additional information in the notes column. A few even have the obituary linked, which may offer more genealogical information.

One nice feature of this free genealogy resource is that it includes defunct cemeteries. These include those that have been destroyed, bodies have been moved or the cemetery can no longer be located. If the bodies have been moved, there is information on where the bodies are currently if known.

If you don't know the cemetery, you can also search by your ancestor's last name.If you're not sure about the spelling,  you can select contains or starts with to aid your search.

The site also offers links to other cemetery listing sites which may be helpful in your search.


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