West Virginia Genealogy Resource

If you have ancestors from West Virginia, you should take some time to visit the West Virginia Pioneers website. While the majority of the site's data is for Jackson County, this free genealogy resource still has a lot to offer for those researching other West Virginia counties.

One of the resources you can expect to find on the site is links to books on Virginia and West Virginia. These links take you to other websites where you can read some or all of the book for free online.

Tracing ancestors through the time where counties were constantly having their borders changed to allow the emergence of additional counties is difficult. With West Virginia, you have the added confusion of it being part of Virginia until it gained statehood in 1863. Be sure to check out map page which offers maps which span the years from 1617 to 1895. This can be helpful in locating ancestors who disappeared between censuses.

Other free genealogy resources offered by the site include transcriptions of the 1840 and 1850 Jackson County censuses, links to find deeds and wills from a few counties and cemetery data. You may also want to check the surname page to see if you recognize any names. Clicking on the surname will take you to another page which gives you a list of names that the site has information on. Clicking on a specific name will take you to another page with more detailed information.


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