Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Resources

Today's free genealogy resource is Lancaster History. The site endeavors to educate visitors on the history of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania and promotes the preservation of items related to the area, including President James Buchanan's home, Wheatland.

Clicking on the Collections tab will take you to a page from which you can access the various collections available through the site. The main part of interest to online browsers is the online Lancaster County newspapers. This includes the newspapers The Lancaster Examiner & Herald (1834-1872), The Columbia Spy (1830-1889), The Intelligencer Journal (1848-1871), The New Holland Clarion (1873-1950) and The Lancaster Farmer (1869-1884).

Hidden within the newspapers is another jewel for genealogists, the Lancaster City and County Directories from 1843 to 1900. You can also access Pennsylvania Civil War Newspapers from the same page a little further down.

Clicking on the Guides tab will take you to a page with research and genealogy guides. Select research guides in the right hand column to return a list of guides on immigration and naturalization, birth and baptismal records, land records and more. The other resources link in the right hand column will give you a page of other resources including organizations, online newspapers and more.


  • Unknown says:
    December 22, 2010 at 9:06 AM

    My grandfather was born in Lancaster county, so thank you for sharing this link with the blog world!

  • Free Genealogy Resources says:
    December 22, 2010 at 1:06 PM

    Always glad to help.

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