Free Genealogy Resource for Mecklenburg County, North Carolina

I recently came across a free genealogy resource for those researching ancestors in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. The Mecklenburg County Register of Deeds has a website offering information on births, deaths, marriages, real estate and historical real estate.

The birth records cover 1913 to present. You can search by name, range of date of birth or certificate number. The results screen will give you the child's name, date of birth and certificate number.

Death records are available from 1913 to 1980 and 1991 to present. Records from 1981 to 1991 are added to the database as they are requested so they are hit and miss. As with births, you can search by name, date range or certificate number. The results screen gives you the name, death date, certificate number, and, in some cases, the address (which is usually town only).

No specific date range was given for the marriage database so I played around to see if I could find anything. After a few trials, I got an error message that stated that "Dates for the inquiry system must be after Jan 1, 1753"  so it may be possible to get records that far back. You can search by bride or groom's name, date range or license number. The results screen gives you the marriage date, name of bride and groom, and license number.

Real estate records appear to date back to 1913. This database can be searched by document type, grantor/seller, their role, grantee/buyer, their role, date range of filing, range of instrument number, book and page. The results screen will give you the date of filing, instrument number, book and page, description (if available), first grantor, document type and first grantee.

Clicking on the details button will take you to a screen which gives additional grantor or grantee names (only one name appears on the results screen) and related documents. From that screen, you can click on the document icon to view the actual document. The document can also be retrieved by clicking on the images button on the original results screen.

The historical real estate can be searched by name or browsed. It appears to date back to 1763 and go through 1840.

If you find one of your ancestors in these free genealogy resources and want more information, you can request a copy of the actual certificate, license or real estate document. There is a fee for this however.


  • Jo says:
    August 29, 2010 at 9:37 PM

    What was the website address for this free Mecklenburg county North Carolina information?

  • Free Genealogy Resources says:
    August 30, 2010 at 10:33 AM

    Sorry about that. I added the link. Hope it helps.

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