Missouri Marriage Resource

Today's free genealogy resource is Missouri Marriages 1820-1850. This information comes from a book published in 1901. The book was microfilmed and the pages featured on this site are actual images of the microfilmed pages. Therefore, the quality varies. Some pages are clearer than others.

To find a marriage, simply click on the first letter of the surname. The surname can be the bride's or the groom's. Some letters have multiple pages so you may have to click on more than one page before you find the record. Images open in a separate page.

Entries have the name of the bride and groom, their wedding date and a number. The number refers to the minister or justice of peace that performed the ceremony. If you go back to the original page, you will find links to four pages of ministers and justices. Simply find the number given in the marriage entry on one of these four pages to determine the officiant. Ministers are marked with a M.G. and justices with J.P.


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