Illinois War of 1812 Veterans-This database only gives a tiny bit of information, but you can use the information you get here to get the individual's compiled service record from the National Archives.
Pennsylvania War of 1812 Records-This is part of the Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives. Just scroll down to find the War of 1812 heading. It offers the roster for the 39th Pennsylvania Militia and two different records from the General Society of the War of 1812. The first record has information on the organizing of the society including names of the officers and the constitution. If you scroll down a little over halfway, you can find a list of veterans. The veterans list includes name, age, residence, service information and death dates. Some also include other details. The second record lists descendant members of the society. This listing includes the name of the ancestor who served in the War of 1812 and information on that individual's service.
Virginia War of 1812 Pay and Muster Rolls-This is another database that offers little information, but helps you locate appropriate records.
Virginia Military Dead Database-This includes records of Virginians killed in the War of 1812, as well as other wars. Just select War of 1812 as the conflict to search. Results give available information which may include name, gender, race, county or city, branch of service, death date and place, residence, rank, cause of death, source of the information and notes. Not all records will include all of this information.
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