Free Mexican War Records

Illinois Mexican War Veterans-Information provided by this database is sparse, but it is still helpful as a free genealogy resource. You get name, rank, company, regiment, and, in some cases, place of enlistment.

Indiana Mexican War Soldiers-For this database, it helps to know what infantry regiment your ancestor served in. Otherwise, you will have to check each regiment individually for the person. You will find the name, county, date and place mustered in, date and place mustered out, who mustered them in and out and rank. On some entries, there may be added details such as date of death and any other military service.

Pennsylvania Mexican War Soldiers-This is part of the Pennsylvania USGenWeb Archives and encompasses free genealogy resources for several wars. Just scroll down until you see the Mexican War heading about halfway down the page. The records are broken down into five groups by alphabet. You will get the name, rank, company, regiment, enrollment date and location and date and location mustered in, date and location of discharge. Some records may have other details.

Virginia Mexican War Records
-This database references several sources including muster rolls, veterans lists and more. Unfortunately, it just tells you where it found the name. However, as a free genealogy resource, it is good for pointing you in the right direction for research.

Virginia Military Dead Database-Choose Mexican War in drop down box for conflict. When available, results will give you name, sex, race, county or city, branch of service, date and location of death, residence, cause of death, rank, source and notes. Depending on how much information was available from sources, results may include a little or a lot of information.


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